Chile and Argentina Rapidly Becoming the New Hotspots for Food and Wine Enthusiasts
Melbourne-based Boutique Travel Agency is Pioneering Food and Wine Based Travel to South-America.
Melbourne – 7th of October 2010 – Realising the vast potential of South-America for the food-minded traveller, Karen Ridge of Food and Wine Travel has taken a leading role in bringing the destination within Australia’s reach. With the influx of award-winning South-American wine onto the Australian market, comes the realisation that these two countries harbour some world-class attractions for the devote ‘foodie’. And it’s not just the wineries that will get the gastronome excited; both countries have a rich food culture too.
Although a niche in a niche market, the amount of people who like to take their food and wine experience just that little bit further is steadily growing and now South-America is firmly on the radar. This is partly to do with the influx of award-winning Argentinean and Chilean wines onto the Australian market which has boosted awareness of what is on offer on the continent. Food and Wine Travel was quick to react to this interest and is already offering two itineraries into the region: Classic Wine Routes (Santiago & Mendoza) and Andes Wines & Easter Island.
“The sounds and sights in this part of the world are truly unique”, says Food and Wine Travel’s managing director Karen Ridge. The majestic Andes mountain range function as the anchor, cradling the various wine growing area’s with its snow-capped mountains. “If you thought the Alps were scenic, think again” she continues. Although a developing wine growing area, some of the wineries are steeped in history and exude a distinctive European vibe due to the efforts of French viticulturalists in the past. Add to that a splash of Latin spirit and you have a unique destination. More importantly they produce fabulous wines which get better and better every year, plus it’s backed up by a fantastic food culture of asados (barbecued meats) and fresh seafood.
With Argentina and Chile as the main destinations on the continent, Food and Wine Travel is steadily increasing its travel options. More itineraries will be released in the very near future. “I intend to be on the forefront of developing the continent as a gastronomic destination as I believe strongly in its’ merits” concludes Karen Ridge.
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